Learn a Language with a teacher on Skype

The Internet has changed the way people keep in touch with each other. People from all over world are now able to communicate with each other easier, faster and cheaper. One of the innovations of Internet communication is Skype. It is a program used for making phone and video calls through the internet. All you need to do is download it from the Skype website to your PC, create a Skype account and log in to the software. To do a phone or video call with someone, you need to make sure that you have added the other person’s Skype account to your list of contacts. For other details about this software, feel free to visit www.skype.com.

Now let’s talk about why you would want to use Skype as a means to learn a new language. With Skype, you can learn your lessons wherever you are without having to worry about catching a ride to school or having to follow a dress code. You can also schedule your sessions accordingly so you can maximize your time without sacrificing your other obligations. The keyword is convenience.

The next thing that we want to emphasize is the accessibility to a native teacher. When learning a new language, it’s always an advantage to be able to have a native speaker teach you the language, and Skype gives you that advantage since you won’t have to fly over to the country of your chosen language just to take language tutorials from a native. Skype is also great for one-on-one lessons. Aside from the fact that feedback is real-time, you still get to interact with your teacher in a personalized manner regardless if he or she may be several time zones ahead or behind you. Using Skype also works great whether you want to learn at your own pace or if you prefer a more comprehensive approach.

The last consideration that we want to mention is cost. Learning need not be expensive, and using Skype can definitely cut down on travel expenses. You also won’t need to procure textbooks since most of the learning materials can be sent through your email. You can choose from a wide selection of teachers who use Skype as a method of facilitating, saving you even more money.

Using Skype to learn a new language definitely has a lot of benefits. It gives you convenience and saves you time and money and yet still allows learning in a fun and enjoyable manner.  

Learn a language using the resources available on the internet

Nowadays learning something isn’t as challenging as it was years back. With the evolution in science and the innovation in technology, the Internet can definitely be considered an indispensable source of information and knowledge. If you haven’t tapped into the Internet’s unlimited power, then you definitely need to read this through.

There are some languages that have similar grammar rules thus making them easier to master while others are more challenging and might take time to learn. If you’re just curious and only want to see how learning a new language works, then you most probably have tried searching for free lessons online, many of which cover the basics of your chosen language. However, if you are a more serious learner and have considered acquiring a new language for travel, academics or business, you may need more than what free lessons can offer and may require an actual language teacher for a minimal fee. For this purpose you might want to search for schools that offer formal lessons online on learning a new language. A great resource for verb conjugations for many different languages include www.verbix.com and a good website for grammar tips, phrases and even audio files is www.mylanguages.org.

One of the many aspects of language skills is a rich and wide vocabulary. You need to make sure that you choose the right words when you are speaking or writing to ensure that you ‘blend in’ with native speakers. Word choice is a something that differentiates a native speaker from a non-native one – you may be using the same words but the context may mean differently. This is why in addition to your actual language lessons, you should enhance your vocabulary using online resources and dictionaries. Examples of useful online dictionaries include http://www.omniglot.com/links/dictionaries.htm and http://www.allwords.com/

Correct pronunciation and intonation should not be forgotten when learning a new language. This is when a good set of headphones or earphones (with or without a microphone) become handy, plus YouTube (www.youtube.com). YouTube is a great source of pronunciation and intonation guides because of the audio and video components it offers. You can easily search a good audio or video recording of your chosen language and then you can listen to it and mimic the way the words are pronounced. You can also record your own pronunciation and listen to it afterwards so you can hear yourself and assess if your pronunciation is good enough or you can ask a friend who knows your chosen language to listen to you for feedback.

As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities from the Internet when it comes to improving your language skills. All you’ll need is patience and dedication and you’re well on your way to honing your language skills to the fullest.  However if you are looking to improve your language skills fast the best it is to attend private or group classes and use the guidance of a real teacher. The Language class is in London and it offers lessons in the following languages: Italian, French, English, Spanish and German.

using internet to learn

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10 Reasons to learn Spanish

  1. In terms of the number of native speakers, Spanish is ranked the second most spoken language worldwide. It ranks third after Chinese and English as the most spoken languages in the world.
  2. Spanish has been selected by the United Nations as one of its official languages. This is how prestigious the language is.
  3. A lot of businessmen use the Spanish language as their mode of communication. When you know how to speak another language, you are able to reach out to a wider market especially if you target to build business internationally.
  4. Believe it or not, Spanish is one of the easier languages to learn. Spanish follows similar sentence structure, vocabulary and phonetic patterns in English. There are also minimal challenges when it comes to spelling words compared to other languages since you pronounce most words the way they are spelled.
  5. Reduce your chances of acquiring degenerative mental illnesses when you learn a second language like Spanish. Studies have shown that learning a second language in general also helps in sharpening your critical thinking abilities.
  6. If you want to learn more than one language especially any of the Romance languages such as French or Italian, then you might want to learn Spanish first since it is easier to learn. Once you have mastered Spanish, learning the other languages becomes easy and more enjoyable to learn.
  7. When you go to Spain or any country in Latin America, knowing their native language can definitely be advantageous for you as a tourist. Learning Spanish can absolutely open a lot travel possibilities.
  8. Cultural immersion is without doubt one of the greatest experiences any student can have. If ever you get to study in Spain or other countries that speak Spanish, it is a plus when you already know the language ahead of time.
  9. Learn and appreciate the Spanish culture more by learning the language. Enjoy Spanish festivals, food, music and architecture just as a native would.
  10. When you learn Spanish, you get to widen the circle of people you interact with, so you gain more friends and share experiences from other cultures.

The Language Class would like to welcome anyone interested in learning this popular language. We are based in central London and we offer private and group lessons.

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The advantages of private language lessons

The Advantages Of Learning A Language With A Private Tutor

Learning a second or third language can be important in today’s every increasing global world. It is emphasized in schools and in the business arenas that anyone looking to succeed in an international field be sure that they learn at least one language beyond their native tongue. From online tutorials, to books, to software programs, private language lessons rank as the top way to learn a second language. To know why this is the case, the following explains just some of the advantages of learning a language with a private tutor.

Progress Faster

Private language lessonsallow individuals to learn a new language in a one-on-one setting. Often, there are only two individuals involved and this means that the course of learning can be directed quickly and efficiently. As a result of fewer distractions than a group setting, an individual undertaking the foreign language learning course will see themselves progressing faster.

The Student Is In Charge

A second advantage of taking private language lessons is rooted in the benefit it has to the student. Everyone learns in different ways and at a different pace. A group setting such as a classroom can often leave the individual learning style of a student behind as a result of a group approach to learning. When it comes to private language lessons, learning styles can be adapted to the student. This means that the best learning will occur because it is a student directed teaching environment. More information gets to the student and less is lost when compared with a larger classroom.

More Teacher Attention

The teacher, as aforementioned, is solely working with one student when private language lessons are being taken. Though there are clear benefits to the student, there are also great benefits to the teacher. Rather than being distracted by the needs of many, they can focus their skills on only one. This means that teachers can streamline their teaching approaches and see the fruits of their hard work more easily.

Less Intimidating Than Group Classes

A final benefit to the participation of individuals in private language lessons is the fact that intimidation is less of a concern for the student. In group settings, the more quiet or laidback individual can get lost in the muddle. Not only that, but students can become intimidated by the perceived perception of them by other students. This is a frustrating aspect of any group setting, but, with private language lessons, this intimidation factor is removed leaving more learning to take place and less societal pressure.

Differences Between South American Spanish and Spain Spanish

As one of the United Nation’s official languages, Spanish is the third widely spoken language around the world next to English and Chinese. Millions of language students also study how to read, write and speak Spanish. Just liike other major languages, there are some variations notably the Spanish spoken in Spain and that of Latin America.

Spanish spoken in Spain is called Castellano or Castilian from the Spanish region of Castille where it originated while the Latin American Spanish is called Espaňol. Spanish spread to Latin American and other parts of the world as far as Asia due to colonisation.

Here are some differences between South American and Spain Spanish


 Spanish speakers from Spain have a different accent compared to those coming from Mexico and other parts of Latin America but the difference is not that significant. The main difference of the two Spanish variations in terms of pronunciation is how they pronounce the letter “c” and “ll”.

When the letter “c” comes before “i” and “e”, it is pronounced as “th” in Castilian while in Espaňol it is pronounce as “s”. Example is the different pronunciation of “gracias” (thank you) between the two Spanish languages. The same with “z” as in zapatos (shoes), it is pronounced with the “th” sound as “THA-paah-tos” in Castilian. Castilian Spanish also pronounces “ll” as “y” like “yam” while Latin American Spanish pronounce it as “j”.


Grammatical difference of the Spanish variations can be seen in the plural informal pronoun  “vosotro”. Vosotros which is the plural second person pronounce for “” is only used in Castilian Spanish. Latin American Spanish use the plural word “ustedes” instead. In Spain, “” which is informal is widely spoken while in Latin America the formal form “usted” is preferred.

Vocabulary, Phrases and Slang

In general, Spanish words are the same for both variations. Difference in vocabulary is just the same  as that of American and British English. “To take in something” is “tomar” in Latin American Spanish while it is “coger” in Castilian ( “coger” is slang in Espaňol which means “ to have sex with”). Sometimes a Spanish word have different meanings – example,  tortilla in Spain is an omelette while in Mexico, it’s a flat bread and caro is just a cart in Spain but in Latin America it can also mean as an automobile.

 The main distinction between the two is that Latin American Spanish due to its close proximity to the US has many English loan words. An example is the word for “computer” in Latin American Spanish, it is “la computadora” while in Castillian it is “el ordenador”.

 Phrases and slang even varies within a specific Spanish variation like Spanish spoken in Mexico, Bolivia, Uruguay and in different regions within Spain. With slang, it is more colloquial in nature which means that it is highly localised. The difference between Latin American Spanish and Spain Spanish is just like the differences of German, English, Chinese and French among its speakers.

Learning Spanish as an Adult


Learning Spanish as a second or third language is a way to enhance a persons communication skills in their social and cultural life. Becoming acquainted with the language allows room for worthwhile experience during conversations with local friends and those abroad. Learning Spanish as a foreign language also helps improve one’s resume making it a colorful job seeking material.


For adults, acquiring Spanish language skills is significant but quite different from youth cases. Through linguistics, it is believed that social conversations can help one tap the skills of a new language. There are various factors which contribute to acquisition of Spanish language for adults. Such factors include



According to S. Krashens effective filter hypothesis, acquiring a foreign language like Spanish is much affected by ones own feelings about their ability to learn. By interacting and speaking Spanish with assistance from native speakers, one easily understands the language. This is evident from children, who are usually subjected to many other languages at school and other social places. This though requires confidence which is a chief way to easily improve a persons vocabulary.


Constructing knowledge

Various means of learning other information are also applied when adults learn Spanish. These are common natural learning styles which greatly inspire learning a foreign language. This way, an adult can easily match their style of learning with the most appropriate language program.



This is a common aspect when learning any language. This is because grammar determines a persons level of expertise. The choice of how best to speak a language is thus set on individual basis. Adults have to set their goals according to the level they want to attain, such as basic communication or that of native know-how. By determining what goal to achieve, following a Spanish language program becomes easy. This also defines the period of time one will spend learning the skills. For instance, a goal for basic conversation skills takes little time compared to that of native competence.


Various learning methods

There exist a number of learning methods in which adults can comfortably choose from. Some of the common modes include following tutorials from the web, taking Spanish classes, reading Spanish books, listening to tutoring audio tapes and television programs. One can also opt to take a tour in a foreign country for language engagements. Depending on the goal for learning Spanish, there is the perfect method of learning.


Generally, adults should understand their learning style, whether audio or visual, before committing with learning programs.  Local universities and colleges as well as professionals can aid one in knowing their learning style

Spanish course in London – what to expect on the first evening?

Students are not expected to have any knowledge of Spanish on the beginner classes, however they should be aware that the classes are full immersion and they will be contacted almost entirely in Spanish. Participants should only bring pen and paper, the tutor will provide materials and a classroom book will be recommended to the student.

Learning a foreign language like Spanish is a great idea and getting acquainted with what to expect from the first lesson is of great significance. One can really feel challenged when they lack knowledge on what happens during their first Spanish evening classes. Just like other courses, being anxious and nervous is to be expected during the initial stages.


As a beginner, there are a number of things to expect for Spanish evening courses in London. Usually on the very first evening, getting to know each other marks the start. In this case, each class member introduces themselves and can briefly state why they want to learn Spanish. The tutor also introduces him / herself in order to create awareness. Additionally, the teacher introduces the course in order for class members to have ample time following the outline.


In general terms, Spanish basics are all what the first session entails. The very basic things taught include the ABC / alphabet as well as numbers. Some brief teaching on how to introduce oneself, passing greetings to others and asking some basic questions in Spanish language are also to be expected. This goes a long way in enhancing writing and speaking.


No matter whether one is a beginner or already has some Spanish basics, all cases are treated equal. There are no assumptions that one has the knowledge on any expressions or phrases. The initial Spanish evening lessons involve learning all fundamental terms and phrases, including the most common ones. This way, someone who has no bit of Spanish knowledge gets to understand every aspect of the language.


There are also instructions provided which are to be applied as one moves on. In order to learn fast, only Spanish language, which is the target foreign language is used through sessions. There are though cases in which English is required and one is never limited to using Spanish alone. It is however advised to stick to the target language so as to improve ones speaking skills.


With all introductions met during the first evening, class members become more familiar with each other as well as their teacher. One also gets a hint of how the Spanish language classes and lessonswill be structured. Generally, there is no much of resource materials during the first session. This applies from the second lesson onwards through the course. With this information, one can thus be confident attending their first evening Spanish class.

Common mistakes that new students do when learning Spanish in London.

If you are learning Spanish as second language and if you are attending an evening course you should read this brief guide to avoid the most common mistakes that student do.

Missing classes.

This can be the main problem for many students. Someone a lot of enthusiasm and then it comes a time that it is not possible to attend the class. In this case the students feel that if they missed something important and  they will not be able to continue the course. This is not aways the case as the Spanish tutors at our school are very well prepared to deal with this sort of  situations. They will do whatever in their hands to help you to catch up with extra home work, email support.Our classes are always of a very manageable size so the teacher can customise the lesson to your needs. Our suggestion is that if you missed some classes you should contact your teacher immediatly and keep attending as much as you can, you will see that even if you missed one lessons but you keep up with the rest of classes you will soon catch up with the rest of the group.

Arriving late at your classes.

Time keeping is important for everyone, and arriving constantly  late to the lessons wil lead to frustration, yours and that of the other people in class. So it is well worth to make an effort and arrive on time. This will enable you to cacth th lessons from the beginning without missing anything important. We understand that everyone is London is very busy however with some planning you will see that lateness can be easily corrected.

First impact and shock.

Some students find hard to find themselves in class where they find hard to follow what it is being said in a foreign language. This happen if you never had any contact with the Spanish culture or Spanish language sound. Our classes are based on the communicative method and our aim it is to deliver them in the target language, of course the difficulty is gradual and the teacher is trained to give you instructions in Spanish and he or she  will make sure that you understand with drawings, mimes, and pictures. In short the student should not be afraid of letting the teacher know about any issue related to comprehension.

Spanish it is too different and many rules do not make sense.

Some students think the above and just stop learning as they see dealing with a different culture too difficult. Learning a language will require you to leave some concepts that you accept for granted behind, it is about being open to other cultures.  Spanish words will have feminine and masculine ending, and they will change if they singular or plural. It might take time to grasp these abstract concepts but it is not that difficult after all.

Lack of confidence.

Sometimes, we see students in the Spanish course who think that they are worse off than the other student in the class, If this is the case they will be shy and they will not try to speak in the class. However you should compare your achievement only with yourself. Only your progress matter, since everyone is learning at a different pace.

Spanish lessons based on the communicative method

Spanish courses in London.

The language class offers Spanish lessons for all levels and with many different timetable and prices. Our lessons are based on the communicative task based method which is particularly effective in developing the oral ability in the student. Soon our students will be able to use the language during the lessons and often the start practising from the very first class.

Why to study Spanish

This language is always very popular with our students and we run many evening courses during the week. People come to study this popular modern language because they are travelling to Spain for holiday or work. Another popular destination is south America, in fact in our classes the teachers will be very happy to point out the differences between the varieties of Latin Spanish.

Spanish evening courses in London.

Here at the Language class we organise evening lessons from 7 pm till 9 pm on various weekdays. The lessons are starting later than other schools are we would like to give an opportunity to everyone one to come to our class even if you finish later to work. Our courses are based on a 10 week syllabus so student will attend once a week, however occasionally we have classes that run twice a week. The school is just minutes from Liverpool street or very close to Aldgate east.

Spanish weekend courses in London.

If you cannot attend during the weekday we also organise lessons on Saturday and Sundays, this course it is called semi intensive because you will attend 3 hours per weekend on a 5 or 6 week schedule. The 3 hours lessons will give you a significant boost  your learning regardless if you are total beginner or you wanted to brush up existing skills.

Private Spanish lessons at your home/office or at our classroom.

Our lessons can be taken at our classroom in Aldgate east which is very convenient if you work around Liverpool street or it can be easily reached from anywhere in the City. Easy access it is granted by the Metropolitan, District or city and Hammersmith lines, you can also easily come here by bus or walk from Moorgate, London Bridge, or Bank.

If you prefer to have a qualified Spanish teacher to come to your house or office this can be easily arranged by us. We work with an extensive database of qualified native  teachers who can cover most of the central part of London.

Intensive Spanish course

At our classroom we also organise 10 or 15 hours intensive courses. these classes normally last for one week and they commence on Monday and end on Friday. Students will 2 hours of lessons plus one hour of optional conversation classes. These classes are normally for beginners are they are in a group, however they can be organises for private student at any level.

Spanish Lunch time classes.

Lunch time lessons are a popular option to study Spanish if you would like to come over during your lunch break the classes start at 12 noon and last for one hour. The lessons are normally in a group and can be taken once or twice a week.

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